Six years since the USA jailed the Five Cuban anti-terrorists



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Cuba Va! > Frige de Fem > Uttalande

10th September, 2004
Statement by the Swedish-Cuban Association

On Sunday the 12th of September it will be six years since five Cubans were in the USA robbed of their freedom. Their crime was that they had exposed terrorists belonging to the extreme right in Miami. Tomas Widén, the leader of the hunger strike in Stockholm, Sweden, during July this year, which demanded that these Five Cubans must immediately be set free, writes about this judicial scandal in the statement below. He shows how these Five, who had exposed terrorists, have in the USA been subjected to a deliberate judicial crime. At the same time, a few days ago, in breach of the law, four notoriously extremely dangerous terrorists have been pardoned in Panama och released from that country's prisons as a result of pressures exerted by forces in the USA.

Six years since the USA jailed the Five Cuban anti-terrorists

In June 1998 representatives of the authorities for justice of Cuba and of the USA met in Havana. The Cubans asked their North American colleagues if they could consider cooperating for the purpose of combatting sabotage and acts of terror directed against Cuba, which ultra-rightist groups based in Miami, Florida, were responsible for planning and executing.

The North American delegation answered that they were interested in cooperating. The activities of the terrorist groups were as a matter of fact also against the laws of the United States.

The Cubans handed over a huge amount of documentation which was based on the work done by the terrorism-combatting Cuban agents. The delegation from the USA accepted the documentation with thanks, promised to take measures, and then returned home.

But the tentacles of the Miami terrorists into the federal police FBI of the USA were long, and resulted in the FBI, in the early morning hours of the 12th of September, arresting and putting into jail those very Cubans who had collected the information exposing the activities of the extremist terrorist groups. The information which the Cuban authorities had handed over was utilised to strike against those five Cubans who struggled against terrorism.

Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González were condemned to harsh prison sentences, after having been kept in isolation cells for 18 months, and after a trial which had developed itself into a witch-trial, orchestrated by a campaign of hate led by the right-wing groups which control the Miami media. Hernández, Labañino and Guerrero were all given life imprisonment, and the first of these three was given double life imprisonment. Fernando González received 19 years and René González 15 years imprisonment.

They were accused of being spies, but as the prosecuting attornies were not able to point at a single piece of evidence showing that any of the Five had in reality committed espionage, they were instead condemned for having conspired to commit espionage, and for having possessed false identity documents. In the case of Hernández, he was also charged for the horrendous accusation of having "knowingly and wilfully conspired to commit murder". This was about two aeroplanes, which the 24th of February 1996, under the command of the terrorist José Basulto, in spite of warnings and instructions by the Cuban authorities, had refused to turn around, but instead continued flying towards Havana. According to Cuban documentation they were shot down in Cuban airspace. It was therefore not a question of murder, and anyway Gerardo Hernández did not in any way have any influence on the development of these events.

And concerning the accusations of preparations to commit espionage, the North American defence lawyers had during the trial, and in the appeal process after the trial, very clearly shown that their clients were not guilty. Neither should the possession of incorrect identity papers and omittance to register themselves with the United States authorities as agents, be considered as a crime, as protection of their true identities was necessary for them to be able to do their work, work which had the purpose of preventing exceedingly more serious crimes. In this case, according to United States law, the lesser breach of the law should be regarded as negligible. The convictions and prison sentences are nothing less than politically inspired intentional judicial crimes.

The five Cuban fighters against terrorism are now locked up in five different prisons in different parts of the USA. At the same time a few days ago four terrorists - sentenced to prison for possession of explosives intended to be used in the Panama University Hall when Fidel Castro was to have spoken there - were given amnesty by the president Mireya Moscoso of Panama, a few days before she was leaving her post. Luis Posada Carriles, Pedro Crispín Remón, Guillermo Novo Sampoll and Gaspar Jiménez Escobedo have shot, bombed and murdered. Their terrorism has been directed against Cuba. Carriles' most notorious deed was the bombing of a Cuban civilian passenger plane in 1976, which resulted in all 73 persons on board being killed. He has always been backed up by the right-wing of the USA, whose authorities have through the years given the terrorist Cuban exiles either active support or discreetly tolerated them. Since the Cuban revolution 1959 the terrorism against Cuba has cost Cuba 3.478 human lives. The terrorists who have now been released, have through their murderous activities been guilty of a part of this.

Cuba's right to defend itself against this terrorism, which is either officially or unofficially backed up by the authorities of the USA, cannot be put to question by any decent person. And every decent person who has aquainted themself with the case of the convicted and sentenced five Cuban fighters against terrorism, are obliged to demand that the planned judicial crime committed against the Five must be obliterated.

Tomas Widén

Swedish-Cuban Association, Box 450 65, SE-104 30 Stockholm, Sweden
Achim Rödner, Organisation Secretary. Phone and fax: +46-(0)8-31 95 30
For more information about the Swedish part of the international campaign Free the Five Cubans, Political Prisoners in the USA.! please see the home page:


Free the Five Cubans!

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