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Six years since the USA jailed the Five Cuban anti-terrorists
10th September, 2004
Statement by the Swedish-Cuban Association
On Sunday the 12th of September it will be six years since five Cubans were in the USA robbed of their freedom. Their crime was that they had exposed terrorists belonging to the extreme right in Miami. Tomas Widén, the leader of the hunger strike in Stockholm, Sweden, during July this year, which demanded that these Five Cubans must immediately be set free, writes about this judicial scandal in the statement below. He shows how these Five, who had exposed terrorists, have in the USA been subjected to a deliberate judicial crime. At the same time, a few days ago, in breach of the law, four notoriously extremely dangerous terrorists have been pardoned in Panama och released from that country's prisons as a result of pressures exerted by forces in the USA.
Read more in english>>




Speech by Tomas Widén,
leader of the hunger strikers

Sergels Square, Stockholm 26th of July 2004

Go to the speech>>




Letter from the Hunger Strikers
Go to the letter>>




Swedish-Cuban Association
Press release

Swedish hunger strike continues!


    Carolina Salinas, Daniel Maidana, Toni Lappalainen, Tomas Widén and Brenda Ortiz

Tomas Widén and Toni Lappalainen began their hunger strike the 4th of July. In the morning Saturday the 17th of July, Daniel Maidana joined them. Late evening the same day Toni experienced a complicated condition of high blood pressure and broke his hunger strike. But on Sunday the next day after new measurements of his blood pressure, he decided to continue. Sunday evening Carolina Salinas and Brenda Ortiz joined the hunger strike.

The scene is a big green round tent next to the Solidarity Movement Building in inner Stockholm. Many visitors come. "Free the Five Cubans, political prisoners in the USA!" is written on an enormous banner with portraits of the Five who are in jail in the USA. For those who want to know more, the home page is presented in big letters on the banner;

These five Cubans, Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González, are sentenced in the USA to altogether four life sentences plus 62 years.

Their crime? Risking their own lives they monitored and infiltrated extremist rightwing Cuban exile terror groups in Miami such as Alpha 66, Brigada 2506, Omega 7,

They obtained information about terrorist attack plans against Cuba and also against other parts of America. Thanks to this Cuba has been able to stop many terrorist actions. Cuba also gave the information revealed to the federal police authorities of the USA, the FBI, who promised measures to be taken. However, instead of stopping the terrorist groups, the FBI arrested the Five who had collected the information. In the middle of the night the 11th of September 1998 they were abruptly waken up and arrested. For months, in breach of the law, they were locked up in isolation cells.

Two of the Five have been refused visits by their wives and small children. The trial in mafia-infected Miami has been put into question by the American National Lawyers Guild and by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. In the USA, Latin America and in many other countries protests are increasing. In Great Britain over one hundred Members of Parliament demand that the Five are given a new trial. Noam Chomsky says, "The thing with the Cuban Five is such a scandal, it's hard to talk about it".

"All politicians talk about the importance of stopping terrorism", says Tomas Widén. "Putting these five Cubans in jail is hypocrisy. The US Government ought to praise them for what they have done to unmask the terrorist groups in Miami. Our drastic hunger strike is a protest and call to the media and politicians to act! We in Sweden also have a responsibility! These Five must be set free immediately!"


E-mail directly to the hunger strikers:

Swedish-Cuban Association, Box 450 65, SE-104 30 Stockholm.



The hunger strike demanding "Free the Cuban Five, political prisoners in the USA!" commenced on the 4th of July, the anniversary of the day 1776 when 13 states in Northern America signed their Declaration of Independence. The hunger strike will conclude on the 26th of July, the day in 1953 when Fidel Castro together with 171 others attacked the Batista dictatorship's fortress Moncada, signalling the rebellion to gain true independence for Cuba.

As its base the hunger strike has a big tent on the grass outside the Solidarity Movement Building, situated in the district Soeder, street address Tegelviksgatan 40, in inner Stockholm. From this base activities are organised in the City every day to spread information about the five jailed Cubans, and also about the imperialists' aggressive plans against Cuba and Venezuela. Leaflets are spread. People sign the petition to Free the Five! Saturday the 10th of July in the hall of the Solidarity Movement Building there was a public meeting in which Eva Bjorklund, editor of the magazine Kuba, who was just back from Cuba, spoke about Cuban Society today and about the U.S.A.'s most recent threats against Cuba.
Luis Quintanilla spoke at a similar event the 17th of July about the U.S. government's attempts to crush President Hugo Chávez and the people's movemnet in Venezuela. Friday the 23rd of July, Carolina Amador, representative of the Cuban Federation of Women FMC will be speaking in the Solidarity Movement building. At lunch time Saturday the 24th of July in the Sergel's Square in the centre of Stockholm, there will be a public meeting in defence of Cuba's sovereignty against foreign interference. Music and speeches. Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock a big festivity for Cuba Solidarity at Eggeby Gaard, in the Stockholm suburbs of Rinkeby and Tensta. Monday the 26th of July a public meeting in Sergel's Square celebrating Cuba's National Rebellion Moncada. Tomas Widén leader of the hunger strike will be one of the speakers.



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